
Core application (Latest stable version)

Version v1.05 (32b/64b) 131MB 9740x SkytechX version 1.05.
Contains Win32 executable installator for both version (x64 and x86).

New plugin for telescope control (for version 1.05) 1MB 5632x ASCOM Telescope client driver.
Contains DLL for x86 and x64. Unzip content into folder where SkytechX is installed. Eg. Program Files\SkytechX\data\plugins\telescope

Core application (Update to version 1.041)

Update to version v1.041 (32b/64b) 7MB 4011x Update SkytechX to version 1.041.
Download contains ZIP archive.
It is necessary to have installed version 1.04.
Contents of the archive copy to the installation folder SkytechX. Most often found in "C:\Program Files (x86)\SkytechX"

Core application (Old version)

SkytechX v1.04 (32b/64b) 148MB 3926x SkytechX version 1.04.
Contains Win32 executable installator for both version (x64 and x86).
It's recommended to uninstall previous version of SkytechX. During installation, you choose the version of witch the icon is created on the desktop.

Core application (Older versions)

SkytechX v1.03 (32bit) 109MB 2857x SkytechX version 1.03.
Win32 executable installator.
SkytechX v1.03 (64bit) 106MB 3099x SkytechX version 1.03.
Win64 executable installator.

Moon textures

Save the texture eg. to the SkytechX\data\planets\ and in the File menu -> Settings -> Map -> Solar System -> Moon texture enter the file path of the texture. After restart SkytechX, this texture is already displayed on the map.

Moon 4k 5.5MB 3707x Moon texture in resolution 4096 x 2048
Moon 8k 21MB 3201x Moon texture in resolution 8192 x 4096
Moon 16k 79MB 4055x Moon texture in resolution 16384 x 8192

JPL Ephemeris

JPL DE Different size Link to JPL ephemeris. For accurate calculations of the positions of the planets and the moon. Download required file(s) lnxpXXXXpYYYY.VER and save to folder SkytechX/data/jplde. In settings -> Ephemeris you can change order of the ephemeris.

Star catalogues

GSC v1.2 290 MB 4146x The Guide Star Catalogue v1.2 is also known as the Hubble Space Telescope, Guide Catalog (HSTGC). Contains approximately 20,000,000 objects where 15 millions of them are marked as stars.

Place downloaded file to directory SkytechX/data/stars/gsc and restart the application (if running). Then check "Show GSC catalogue" option in settings dialog under GSC tab.
USNO A2.0 or USNO A2.0/ 6.2 GB   USNO-A2.0 is a catalog of 526,280,881 stars. It is based on a re-reduction of the Precision Measuring Machine (PMM) scans that were the basis for the USNO-A1.0 catalog. See more on

To use it in SkytechX, you need to place .acc and .cat files to any directory and set the files location in application settings dialog under USNO A2.0 tab. After that the catalogue is avaialable in the application.
PPMXL 38 GB   The PPXML catalogue contains about 910 milions of stars.

To use it in SkytechX, copy .gz files to any location and run the conversion tool ppmxl.exe (under SkytechX/ppmxl_tool) with parameter of .gz files location. After conversion there will be new directory PPXML with subdirectories ZONExxxx. After that, set its location in application settings dialog under PPMXL tab.
UCAC4 8.5 GB   UCAC4 catalogue is a compiled, all-sky star catalog covering mainly the 8 to 16 magnitude. Contains 113 780 093 stars.

For its use in SkytechX copy files to any directory and in application settings dialog under UCAC4 tab set files location. After that the catalogue is avaialable in the application.
URAT1 19 GB   Catalogue URAT1 This catalogue contains 228,276,482 stars and cover especially northern sky.
For using this in Skytechx make copy all files Zxxx and 1Index to any directory And then in SkytechX settings -> URAT1 tune the path for which folder you are going to copy on the catalogue After pressing OK you can catalogue get on the map.
USNO B1 46 GB   Catalogue USNO B1 This catalogue contains 1,042,618,261 stars. For using this in Skytechx make copy all files Zxxx and 1Index to any directory And then in SkytechX settings -> USNO B1 tune the path for which folder you are going to copy on the catalogue After pressing OK you can catalogue get on the map.